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This article is about the Reign character John Knox. You may be looking for the Historical figure John Knox.

Men will never willingly bow to the weaker sex.
John Knox to Mary in All It Cost Her

John Knox is a recurring character in the third season and a main character in the fourth season of Reign. He is portrayed by Jonathan Goad.

For reasons unknown, Knox loathes women, so it is no surprise that he spent most of his time trying to get Mary Stuart off the throne of Scotland while encouraging sedition against Elizabeth I in England. His efforts have paid off most of the time, except once, when he had to pay a steep price for crossing the formidable Stéphane Narcisse.


Early Life[]

Nothing about Knox's early life is disclosed, though it is theorised that however Knox came to hate women, it must've started with his mother.

In the Series[]

Season Three[]

He makes his first appearance in Intruders.

Season Four[]



John Knox is characterised by his immense hatred of women, which surpasses even his disdain for Catholics. So when his queen happened to be both, he didn't take it lying down. Knox is described as a "master orator", as a lot of people listen to him and follow his guidance. That following, paired with his ability to scheme, made him quite the formidable figure.



Emily Knox[]

Emily is Knox's wife. When he found out that she cheated on him with James Stuart, he appeared quite hurt - almost like he really loved her, which, given his hatred of all women, would be surprising.

Although he did show her a little bit of mercy by not revealing her adultery to the whole town and letting them judge her for it, Emily noted that after finding out, her husband had treated her worse than a "common whore".


Mary Stuart[]

Mary is the Queen of Scotland. Knox hates her for a number of reasons, the main ones being out of her control. He hates that she is a woman, a Catholic, and a queen. He has previously cited how he is against the monarchy and he even attempted to dissolve it once, before Mary burst into the room to reclaim her throne.

Ever since her return, Knox has tried to make things as difficult as possible for Mary. He fostered one insurrection after another, joined forces with her husband to undermine her power, and continually pitted her against her cousin Elizabeth. He even had her and Bothwell arrested for the murder of Lord Darnley, so one could declare him victorious in their rivarly.



  • He eventually finds out that his wife cheated on him with James Stuart.


See Also[]
