“ | Only with the Queen of Scots' help will you rule France. | ” |
In a Clearing is the fifth episode of Season Three and fourty-nineth episode of Reign overall. It aired on November 13th, 2015.
NOSTRADAMUS HAS A NEW VISION ABOUT FRANCIS - Grateful for a future with a revived Francis, Mary considers signing away her claim to the English throne, and staying in France forever. Catherine learns that Nostradamus has returned — with a new vision involving Francis' fate.
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- Nostradamus returns in this episode.
- Francis is killed in this episode, after sustaining head trauma saving Mary from a gang of Scottish assassins.
- His death is historically inaccurate. Francis died on December 5, 1560 at the age of only 16, after he suffered complications from an ear infection however this can be excused as Reign has always taken historical licenses when it comes to Reign itself.
See Also[]