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The Boxing Match is an event that took place in Season Four in the episode Highland Games.

It was a boxing match between Lord Darnley and Lord Taylor in which Darnley's aim was to win the admiration of his nobles and show that he is not the same coward his late father was.


During the Rough Wooing, Lord Darnley's father, Matthew Lennox, betrayed his country and his kin when he chose to side with the English rather than fight them. Due to this, Darnley's honour was brought into question when Queen Mary announced her engagement to him at the Highland Games. Lord Taylor challenged Lord Darnley to a boxing match - if Darnley won, Taylor would bend the knee. But if Taylor won, Darnley would withdraw his marriage offer to Mary.


  • Both parties cheated in their own way.
  • This match, despite Mary viewing it as "idiotic challenge" at first, brought the royal pair closer.

