April 21, 1926 - September 8, 2022, Age: 96
My favorite character is Catherine, she was awesome, and willing to do anything for her children. She was truly the Queen of France.
April 21, 1926 - September 8, 2022, Age: 96
Update: the petition is up to 4,577 signatures
4,387 signatures...share share share. =)
Well in Terror of the Faithful, Catherine mentioned that the oldest age she could imagine her twins being wa about 8 or 9. I think this was because they would have been around this age if they had lived.
The signatures are now at 4,128.
It's up to just over 4,000 signatures. Please keep sharing and getting others to sign.
Update: the signatures are up to 3,909
Hello wiki Royals, checkout this exciting news.
To ALL of you Reign, history, Catherine de Medici, French Court and Megan Follows enthusiasts and anyone that loves a thrilling story: sign this petition to show Netflix we are interested in a Catherine de Medici spin-off from Reign! Showrunner Laurie McCarthy, actress/director Megan Follows, writer Drew Lindo, costume designer Meredith Markworth-Pollack and make up artist Linda Preston have all showed considerable interest in this project. Now it's our turn to show Netflix we want it too! Sign this petition and get all of your friends to join in.
3,452 people have already signed...please share this and sign, sign sign. Here is the link
Hello wiki royals, If you haven't heard, this coming season 4 of our beloved Reign will be the last.
There is a petition going for Netflix to pick up Reign for another season. 2,382 people have signed and another 232 are needed. Here is the link, please sign and share.
Ok first no need to be rude and yell like that.
Second, Mary's son James was from her second marriage to Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley whom she married on July 29, 1565 at Holyrood Palace. James was born less than a year later on June 19, 1566 at Edinburgh Castle. Lord Darnley was murdered only 8 months after James was born on February 10, 1567.
Mary wed her third and last husband James Hepburn,4th Earl of Bothwell on May 15, 1567 inside the Great Hall at Holyrood Palace; just under 3 months after Henry's death. Now Mary and James would have had children together; however Mary miscarried a set of twins with him between July 20-23, 1567 and after that she didn't get pregnant again...she abdicated her throne soon afterward.
Might I suggest you read this...the historical page I made for Mary, Queen of Scotland. It can be found here: http://reign-cw.wikia.com/wiki/Mary_Stuart_(Historical), and check out the references I used also. =)
Actually, historically Mary and Francis did not have children before he died. Mary's ony child James was from her second marriage.
I'm curious too, I can't wait until Reign comes back in April
The signatures are over 2,500 and counting...share and get the word out...we shall have season 4.
Nope, Conde never became King of France. After Francis' death his brother Charles became King, then the next brother Edward was crowned Henry III, and the youngest brother never became King but died from malaria age 29. Due to the lack of heirs the House of Valois ceased to exist and the House of Bourbon came to the throne with Henry IV as the first King. =)
Update, the signatures for Season 4 are at 1,253 and still counting.